Thursday 28 March 2013

Asado negro made in USA

La cocina Venezolana tiene en su haber miles de sabores e influencias, influencias que van desde la cocina española a la cocina árabe (intimas amigas ambas) pasando por variaciones propias de los ingredientes a disposición y diferentes regiones.
Uno de los platos emblemáticos de la nuestra cocina es el asado negro. 
Pero, como hacer un asado negro? Querido lector le receta del asado negro varia de casa en casa y cada cocinero le pone su sazón. Aca le voy a contar mi experiencia con mi primer asado en el exilio.
Estando en los estados unidos el primer reto que tiene el cocinero es encontrar el muchacho Redondo el muchacho del Carrizo!!! Como le traduce uno al ingles el muchacho Redondo? Porque si uno pide “a round boy” se lo van a llevar preso por pedofilo.
El muchacho Redondo es un musculo de la pata trasera de la Vaca bastante fibroso y apto para cocciones de largo tiempo y altas temperaturas, en ingles este corte se llama “Eye of the Round” siendo e Round el grupo completo de la pata posterior de la res.

Ahora antes de entrar en la receta…que va a ser breve porque la idea de este blog no es ponerme a escribir recetas si no experiencias en la cocina y relacionadas con la misma, les doy estas advertencias 1) La cocina se va llenar de humo, bastante hume, si usted vive en casa o apartamento en USA se le va a disparar la alarma de incendio asi que abra las ventanas y ruegue porque los vecinos no llamen a los bomberos y 2) es un plato que se toma dos días (uno marinando la carne) y al menos dos y media casi tres horas de cocción para un muchacho de dos  kilos.
Despues de dorar muchacho poner la marinada
Para hacer el asado pueden seguir la receta de sumito en youtube yo la verdad cambie ciertos ingredientes (agregue clavos de olor al marinado y aji dulce).
Es importante no limpier mucho el muchacho para que la grasa absorba el sabor del papelón, el papelón en USA lo pueden conseguir en las tiendas mexicanas bajo el nombre de piloncillo.

Ahora después de la cocinada les cuento quienes se sentaron en mi mesa: Stephanie mi conpañera y complice culinario, Ian y su esposa Kristina, Juan y Jenni Urbina. Yo  al probar el primer bocado tuve que aguantarme las ganas de llorar y gritar no joda!!! Esto es un Asadooo!!!! Porque no hay nada como la cocina para resaltar, recordar y compartir la identidad y nustra cultura.

Producto final, la salsa se puede tamizar para un mejor acabado.
Un noche de grandes sabores y buena compañía como debe ser!!!!

Friday 1 March 2013

Tourism and immigration

“Don’t  confuse tourism with immigration!” replied the Devil…..

I have the fortune to know a handful of people that had made cooking not only their life but also their profession. Among them Ian Hutchings, Chef at LUC an amazing restaurant in Corvallis, Oregon.

Ian’s approach to cooking is very meticulous and at the same time very spontaneous, is the king of cooking that makes you feel that everything is going to be jus perfect, thanks to great ingredients choices and amazing technical knowledge. Also, is the kind of cooking that comes just after you had been doing it for such a long time, that is hard to remember when you started.

Ian in action at LUC
Being invited to somebody’s kitchen is an extreme act of trust, for the first time I was fortunate enough to have the chance to share the kitchen with this great chef and friend. After having cooked a thanks giving dinner and breaking down a pig together (in other works playing around) Ian invited me to help in the kitchen due to a impromptu absence of the kitchen helper and several innuendos from me, that were more like “I you need somebody one day I would love to do it…please?”.
I joined Ian a Wednesday and a Saturday being the last one a very heavy shift since everybody is out for dinner.

Now here is where things get real, I am not going to romanticize my position I was the dish washer/helper/utility of kitchen.

I want to emphasize that for me it was amazing for several reasons. First I got to see Ian in action, and pick his brain. You never stop learning in the kitchen but when you are playing with the big boys you can’t help yourself to ask about everything.
Second I got to remember and feel again the rush of a professional kitchen, after having some experience in the restaurant industry (many years ago) it felt just great to feel that rush and the “don’t’ mess things up, not even a soup!!” feeling.

The menus were, as always, a good example of a farm to table proposal great executed dishes like a beets salad with goat cheese vinaigrette, hand made pappardelle in 12 hour lamb sugo, a wonderful bavette with lobster sauce (a meat lover delight) among others. All perfectly executed, planned and put in scene by Ian.

The point of these words is that, after doing it I could only think: “How can you do it every night?” “With a family too?” I came home exhausted with good memories but with a great insight.

I see people wanting to start restaurants and talking about “how amazing would be to open a little restaurant”. But there are a few things to remember and consider.

There is not such thing as a little restaurant, cooking for other people means work!! Don’t believe me? Try and organize a 10 persons dinner party with entrees, first, second and dessert.

When you are cooking in a restaurant you are not cooking for friends you are cooking for costumers, and it doesn’t matter how nice you are they will demand nothing but perfection from you. You have to deliver!!! This creates a good deal of stress on you.

Is extremely hard on your family, the way I had seen this working is because this chefs have amazing and supporting partners that understand their passion. But trust me is a hard test for you and for them.

Having a restaurant dream? Find a way to help in a professional kitchen one night. Then after doing it ask yourself “can I do this every night? “ “What if my name was on the menu of the restaurant? ” “What if my money depended on the success of the restaurant?”

I am lucky enough of being able to play with the dream and get some lessons from friends like Ian. However those are questions worth asking yourself.

Some people just like to cook and they are amazing at it, some had done it and have a good idea of what implies, others just like the idea and have a romantic idea of it, but don’t forget one thing is tourism and other immigration.

Thursday 16 February 2012


Barao es un termino con filiacion nautica que denota a un barco que por una razón u otra no puede moverse. 
Hace mas de dos meses llegue a Caracas con el plan de una brave vacacion visitar a mi familia, amigos y escapar de nuevo a los Estados Unidos, pais que me ha hospedado por mas de tras anos. Al tratar de renovar mi Visa me encuentré que pasados dos meses la espera continua sin ninguna respuesta por parte de la embajada americana.
Sin embargo, estar "barao" te fuerza a reconectarte con elementos que habias dejado atras que habias olvidado y que de cierta forma son parte de ti es que ser Venezolano viene con una idiosincrasia que te permite estar "Jodio pero contento" asi comenzó mi perigrinaje para optener documentos (cédula, pasaporte y licencia) recuperar mi identidad legal ha sido una empresa titánica. Pero reconectarse es útil y sano. Reconectarse con ese viaje en carrito, metro, el perro caliente, la trampa criolla, la picardía ese sabor criollo que nos ensalsa.
Aprender a tocar cuatro, comer platano y tal calí son joyas que solo con los ojos del exilado son bien apreciadas.
Los cuentos son varios ahora el tiempo no alcanza pero por ahora, sigo barao pero contento.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

After 6 moths in my final destination (Corvallis, Oregon) I've decided to return to this blog and finish my story from the end of my trip. I will be writing the rest of my trip and experiences from my memory.

Monday 14 February 2011


I made it to Albuquerque NM, I am really tired last drive was pretty long and tomorrow I wan to make it to Kingman, Arizona to put me closer to the border with California, that way I will have more time to visit the Mohave and maybe stay one night there. Today, the ride was pretty good, driving with a shining sun and blue skies can really help me to keep going.
I fond out that making videos, pictures and thinking how to put this blog together really helps me to kepp me bust.
In Albuquerque I treat myself with a nice seafood dinner in a close by restaurant, I had Shrimps Veracruz and a couple of Bohemia. Now I am really ready for bed.